Forums / Developer / Rebuild a site from old database tables

Rebuild a site from old database tables

Author Message

Trond Åge Kvalø

Tuesday 31 August 2004 4:45:32 am

I'm trying to rebuild a site from old database tables by using insert ... replace statements in mySQL.

My progress can be seen in:

The tables are now filled with data, but nothing except the root node is shown in the admin interface.

First of all, is this a bad idea? Are there caveats that I'm bound to hit?

What tables do I need to edit to accomplish such a thing?

So far I've recreated the following tables:

all tables that start with ezcontentclass (since I had made some custom classes)
all tables that start with ezcontentobject

But I'm not sure if this is enough, so any other help would be deeply appreciated.

BTW: Has anyone made a relational diagram of the 3.4-1 database?

best regards
