Forums / Developer / Redirecting from custom workflows

Redirecting from custom workflows

Author Message

Kent Wakely

Thursday 29 May 2003 9:31:26 am

OK. The documentation for custom workflows says that you can have custom workflows return


which will dictates the following, according to the docs:

"Workflow engine should interrupt executing the workflow and redirect the user to a specified page. In case of this status the workflow event should set up some internal variables. (Will be explaned below)."

The problem is, as far as I can tell, those variables are *not* explained below or anywhere else.

So what are the variables we need to set up to allow redirection from custom workflows to work?


- kent

Selmah Maxim

Thursday 29 May 2003 9:57:02 am


try $RedirectUrl = "content/whatever";

Kent Wakely

Thursday 29 May 2003 10:19:34 am

Tried that. Didn't work. Is that actually working for you, or was it just an educated guess?


- kent

Selmah Maxim

Thursday 29 May 2003 11:30:50 am

i had tried befor, maybe i missed the spell !

i`ll check it again !

Selmah Maxim

Thursday 29 May 2003 5:10:14 pm

sorry for late , i was sleepy :)

here is, just test on version 3.1 , work fine for me !

$process->RedirectUrl = "/content/view/full/25";

Kent Wakely

Thursday 05 June 2003 8:49:36 am

Thanks much for your help, Selmah.

The problem here may be that we're running a 3.0 EZ installation (what's working for you still isn't working for me).

Can someone from EZ Systems perhaps confirm that WORKFLOW_TYPE_STATUS_REDIRECT doesn't quite work right in version 3.0 (or tell me that it works fine and that the problem is with my code).


- kent