Ekkehard Dörre
Tuesday 12 July 2005 1:04:46 am
working on an import script, I need images sort by priority. So what to do? Change sort field of parent to priority and give children the priority number. And that's my problem, to change the sort field of an existing parent and give a priority number to the image. In my try, I gave the image the sort field priority (8), but not the parent and can't give them the number.
if (file_exists($href)) {
// Import image
$classID = 5;
$class = & eZContentClass :: fetch($classID);
$creatorID = 14;
$parentNodeID = $placeNodeID;
$contentObject = & $class->instantiate($creatorID, 1);
$nodeAssignment = & eZNodeAssignment :: create(array ('contentobject_id' => $contentObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $contentObject->attribute('current_version'), 'parent_node' => $parentNodeID, 'sort_field' => 8, 'sort_order' => 1, 'is_main' => 1));
$version = & $contentObject->version(1);
$version->setAttribute('modified', eZDateTime :: currentTimeStamp());
$version->setAttribute('status', EZ_VERSION_STATUS_DRAFT);
$contentObjectID = $contentObject->attribute('id');
$dataMap = & $contentObject->dataMap();
$dataMap['name']->setAttribute('data_text', $h1Tag);
$dataMap['caption']->setAttribute('data_text', $notesTag);
$imageContent = & $dataMap['image']->attribute('content');
$imageContent->initializeFromFile($href, $altTag);
$paragraphContent .= "<object id='$contentObjectID' align='$imageAlignment' size='$imageSize' />";
include_once ('lib/ezutils/classes/ezoperationhandler.php');
$operationResult = eZOperationHandler :: execute('content', 'publish', array ('object_id' => $contentObjectID, 'version' => 1));
Can anybody give me the trick? Thanks, ekke
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