Forums / Developer / Shop account users
Paul Forsyth
Wednesday 28 May 2003 3:25:07 am
Im currently working with shop accounts and wish to clarify a few things about how the underlying php functions work for shops.
I've changed the ezsimple shop account handler to ezdefault to allow for users to register and login.
It looks like i need to create a special shop user that contains such information as addresses, and alter the values in site.ini/UserSettings to point to that new user. I noticed for the site that if you are logged in and have bought something then your details/values are automatically displayed when you checkout. This leads me to believe that you have a special shop user also.
Is the creation of such a user the ideal way to proceed with shops? Do you have a single user class to deal with all of the functionality?
Thursday 29 May 2003 1:55:27 am
A consequence of using this 'shop user' seems to suggest that there can only be one class of user used per site as the site.ini only has space for the class and group new users should be part of. However, i may be wrong here but i don't know if you can add others...
Is it indeed not sensible to have, say two classes of users on a site, eg one user for shops and one user for forums? If you were a forum user and wanted to buy something then perhaps a single user may be best but maybe the users should be different and information simply shared between them.... but im really not sure at the moment...
Any comments?
Bård Farstad
Monday 02 June 2003 10:20:42 am
On we have created a shop account handler ( as we call it ) which enables you to shop without beeing logged in. If you're logged in it will fetch the user information from your account. We've also done a check if you've previously purchased somehting and prefill the values of your account.
This enables people to shop without beeing a registered user. The information like address/company is stored in the order ( serialized xml ). You do not need to create a special user class, but it's possible to solve it that way as well.
I hope this answered your question, a bit late though ;)
Jerry Jalava
Thursday 12 June 2003 2:34:28 am
Hi Bård,
How could I accomplish something like what yuo have done here on What kind of modifications I have to do? Template coding, hard coding/modifications?
P.S. It would be great if you could share somewhere these kind of solutions for others in community to use also. That way all of us could become more and more efficient with eZ and start building more and more complex systems with eZ.
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