Thursday 09 September 2010 1:46:57 am
Hi Hakim, Don't know if you've found something to make it work on your side ... Theses days I was working on a similar thing. Here is the workaround I've found : Edit your site.ini like that :
SessionNamePerSiteAccess=disabled Set a common cookie_domain for all your sub domains! To do that you can edit your apache virtual_host and add that line into it :
php_value session.cookie_domain "" Or you can redefine that php option directly in ez publish by editing the config.php file (in the root of your install) by adding that :
$hostSlices = explode('.', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
$hostSlices = array_slice($hostSlices, -2, 2);
$hostName = join('.', $hostSlices);
ini_set('session.cookie_domain', '.'.$hostName); Hope it will be useful for several of us ;)