Wednesday 07 March 2007 2:25:26 am
yes this is work when you create a new object. It's possible to do something similar when you edit an existing object. Inside my template I inserted a button to edit a page directly from the site:
{section show=$node.object.can_edit}
<form method="post" action={concat("/content/edit/", $|ezurl}>
<input class="button" type="submit" name="editButton" value="edit page" />
</form> {/section} This code works, but before to edit the page the system ask me what language I want to edit.
It's possible avoid also this language selection screen??
I tried to insert the line : <input type="hidden" name="ContentLanguageCode" value="{ezini('RegionalSettings', 'Locale')}" /> but nothing, the system asks me always to choose what language edit!! any idea?
thanks a lot Luca