Forums / Developer / Sqliimport : Import images from an URL ?
Solène Guillot
Monday 22 August 2011 2:59:45 am
Hi,I would like to import images from another server. I have an URL to do this but it doesn't work. For the moment, I copy the images on my server and I give the local path to my script.
$contentOptionsImage = new SQLIContentOptions( array( 'class_identifier' => 'image', 'remote_id' => md5($pathtoimage) ) ); $contentImage = SQLIContent::create( $contentOptionsImage ); $contentImage->addLocation( $folderLocation ); $contentImage->fields->name = $row->title; $contentImage->fields->image = "/data/http/my_site/extension/sqliimport/".$pathtoimage; $publisher = SQLIContentPublisher::getInstance(); $publisher->publish( $contentImage ); unset( $contentImage );
Is it possible to give an URL like this :
$contentImage->fields->image = "".$pathtoimage;
???Thank you
Hamdi Laadhari
Tuesday 23 August 2011 1:37:14 am
it's based on the ezpublish API. And the ezpublish API rely on fopen/fread. So the answer should be yes,
Certified eZ Publish Entreprise 4.5
Thursday 25 August 2011 8:49:49 am
An idea how I can do it ?
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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