Forums / Developer / star rating

star rating

Author Message

Bienvenu Isaac Kanyinda

Wednesday 22 April 2009 7:37:03 am

use datatype star rating of how to replace the result by the numbers of images.
where there are 2 / 5 that we can have 2 images of different colors than the other 3

{def $rating=$attribute.content

<ul class="star-rating">
<li id="rating_percent_{$}" class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating.rounded_average|div(5)|mul(100)}%;">Currently {$rating.rounded_average|wash}/5 Stars.</li>
{if $rating.has_rated|not}
{for 1 to 5 as $num}
{if $var|eq('o')}

<li><a href={concat($rating_url,$num)|ezurl} id="sr_{$}_{$num}" title="Rate {$num} stars out of 5" class="stars-{$num}" rel="nofollow" onfocus="this.blur();">{$num}</a></li>
<script type="text/javascript">
 var tsh = document.getElementById("rien");{/literal}
 var etoile = document.getElementById("tv_moyenne");{/literal}
 {*Rating: <strong><span id="average_{$}">{$rating.rounded_average|wash}</span></strong>/5 (<span id="total_{$}">{$rating.number|wash}</span> votes cast)
<p id="has_rated_{$}">{if $rating.has_rated}Thank you for your rating!{/if}</p>*}
{if $rating.has_rated|not}
{def $hasXajaxAccess=fetch('user','has_access_to',hash('module','xajax','function','all'))}
{if $hasXajaxAccess}{run-once}{xajax_javascript()}{/run-once}{/if}
<script type="text/javascript">

 function starrating_init_{$}() {ldelim}
{for 1 to 5 as $num}
   YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("sr_{$}_{$num}", "click", function(e){ldelim}
     xajax_starrating({$}, {$attribute.version}, {$num});



 function starrating_clear_{$}() {ldelim}
{for 1 to 5 as $num}
   YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener("sr_{$}_{$num}", "click");



Petit poisson deviendra grand pourvu que Dieu lui prĂȘte vie.
Petit oiseau volera un jour de ses propres ailes pourvu que Dieu lui ajoute le nombre de jours sur terre.