Thursday 14 April 2011 4:59:09 am
I have an extension that uses a custom table. I want to be able to search in that table for row that have column matching a string. I've read about fetch functions and eZ Find but I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I have several questions:
1) eZ Find supports custom tables? Is there a resource that can explain this in more detail? I've read the tutorials on ez publish, but there was nothing of this kind...
2) How can I use a Fetch function to search for a string using wildcard, make case insensivite search? I am using the function below, but it returns only exact matches.
public static function fetchByField1Field2( $field1 , $field2, $asObject = true)
$result = eZPersistentObject::fetchObjectList(
array( 'colum1' => $field1,
'column2' => $field2 ),
array('length', 5),
null );
return $result;