Forums / Developer / tiny_mce_jquery.js is failed to load when using with EZOE

tiny_mce_jquery.js is failed to load when using with EZOE

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Romeo Antony

Sunday 20 March 2011 8:40:18 am


When I use OE5 that comes with ez 4.3.0 , in one of my computers, tiny_mce_jquery.js is failed to load, while others working fine as expected.(while edit the contents).

I have enabled google's mod_pagespeed module in apache because of it benefits.

Here is how the failed js file url

But it works well with most of the systems. When I edit the contents using OE , one of my system fails to load this tiny_mce_jquery.js.pagespeed.ce.-hhtsSnzls.js file.

Beacuse of this , formatting tools in OE is not avalibale. Anybody had this issue before.

I have tried using different browsers.(so it is not a browser issue)

Installed the windows updates.

Set the rewrite rule for OE in apache.

Is this particular issue might be of pagespeed module? But this js files has been downloaded in most of my systems without error.

Please help.



Steven E. Bailey

Sunday 20 March 2011 10:25:00 am

Whenever I've had problems with javascript files not loading it invariably ended up being a problem with rewrite rules. Have you compared rewrite rules in all of the environments?

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Romeo Antony

Friday 25 March 2011 4:36:58 am

Is it sorted out. I have removed the mod
_pagespeed module from apache. Now no issues with OE. Javascript file is downloaded successfully.

Bez of mod_pagespeed module compress the javscript files, it got slighty correpted and cuased this issue .