Forums / Developer / Tip a Friend email - add the recipient name
steve walker
Wednesday 11 July 2007 9:04:52 am
Hi there,
I'm hoping this is an easy one - i can't see it in the past forum postings which is suprising, but here goes...
I'm customising the tell a friend email template. I want to start the email with:
Dear <name of recipient>,
Does anyone know the variable to use in the template to achieve this? Its being used in the email header as it appears in the to: field?
Kind regards, Steve.
Betsy Gamrat
Thursday 12 July 2007 10:12:22 am
Override <b>tipafriend.tpl</b>, and make the following changes:
{* Uncomment these lines *} <div class="block"> <label>{"Receivers name"|i18n("design/standard/content/tipafriend")}</label><div class="labelbreak"></div> <input class="box" type="text" size="40" name="ReceiversName" value="{$receivers_name|wash}" /> </div>
Override <b>tipafriendemail.tpl</b>, and add:
Dear {$receivers_name},
Wednesday 18 July 2007 6:12:40 am
Thanks Betsy :)
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