Forums / Developer / Use ez API in a function php call with ajax
Florent Hache
Tuesday 05 January 2010 2:04:48 am
Hello Everybody,
I want to create ez object with the function createAndPublishObject with a php file.
I call my php file in ajax in the back office but it say the class eZContentFunctions was not found
So is it possible to use ez API in a php file call with ajax
Thanks a lot
Jérôme Vieilledent
Wednesday 06 January 2010 4:46:38 am
Hi Florent
You should consider using ezjscore for that ;). Łukasz Serwatka and André R. just wrote an article about this really great extension :).
Thursday 07 January 2010 1:21:37 am
Thanks Jerome i try it
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Module start 'content'
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