Forums / Developer / Weird behavior or bug?
Massimiliano Bariola
Thursday 04 August 2005 4:16:15 am
{def $dataodierna = gettime(currentdate())} {def $nextmonth = $dataodierna.month} {def $nextyear = $dataodierna.year} {if $dataodierna.month|eq(12)} {set $nextmonth = 1} {set $nextyear = $nextyear|inc(1)} {else} {set $nextmonth = $nextmonth|inc(1)} {/if} {if $dataodierna.month|count_chars|eq(1)} {*the following line results in an error*} {set $dataodierna.month = concat('0', $dataodierna.month)} {/if} {if $nextmonth|count_chars|eq(1)} {set $nextmonth = concat('0', $nextmonth)} {/if}
the above snippet of tpl-code gives this error:
parser error @ extension/wt/design/standard/templates/wt/classifiche.tpl:69Empty variable name at [.month = concat('0', $dataodierna.month)]
which seems pretty weird to me, because $dataodierna does exist (I use it elsewhere in my code to set other values, which get correctly set).
Bug or my mistake ?
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