Forums / Developer / wrong price calculation in confirmorder
scrieler _
Sunday 09 August 2009 10:13:56 am
I get impossible pricecalculations in confirmorder.tpl in price_info. Tried to loop $order.order_info.price_info.items to print the sum of VAT (7% and 19%).In $basket all calculations are correct!
{foreach $order.order_info.price_info.items as $key => $product_price_info sequence array(bglight,bgdark) as $sequence} <tr orderitem-line"> <td class=" line" colspan="{$cols|sub(2)}"> {"VAT included"|i18n("extension/xrowecommerce")} ({$key} %) </td> <td class="basketspace line align_right totalprice"> {$product_price_info.total_price_vat|l10n( 'currency', $locale, $symbol )} <pre>{$product_price_info|attribute('show', 2)}</pre> </td> <td class="noborder"> </td> </tr> {/foreach}
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