Forums / Developer / Wrong XML construction with ezxml

Wrong XML construction with ezxml

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Pierre Tissot

Friday 07 April 2006 5:22:37 am


I'm using rssffeed to get information about a news channel, the language is in french but the character apostrophe is not well displayed. (this character is not weel display in this message so I will use the keyword apostrophe, and believe me that in the place should be a apostrophe :-D )

In the original xml document we have this element:


<p><img width="67" height="96" alt="affiche_enfant_fr.jpg" src="" id="image152" /></p>
<p>SynthesisBank, le leader Suisse de la banque d[apostrophe]nvestissement en ligne, collabore depuis plusieurs mois avec l[apostrophe]agence, de la conception de plaquettes institutionnelles, d[apostrophe]annonces presse, cartes de voeux jusqu[apostrophe]à la réalisation de banners publicitaires et de widget pour Internet.<br />
<br />

once ezplublish loads this file you have the same element whit a diferent content (put ? instead of a [apostrophe]):


        // New xml parser.
        $xml = new eZXML();

        $dom =& $xml->domTree( $rssFileContent );

doing the toString method we can see that the content is diferent:


      <![CDATA[<p><img width="67" height="96" alt="affiche_enfant_fr.jpg" src="" id="image152" /></p>
<p>SynthesisBank, le leader Suisse de la banque d?investissement en ligne, collabore depuis plusieurs mois avec l?agence, de la conception de plaquettes institutionnelles, d?annonces presse, cartes de voeux jusqu?à la réalisation de banners publicitaires et de widget pour Internet.<br />
<br />

I try also with

        // New xml parser.
        $xml = new eZXML();
        $params= array("ConvertSpecialChars" => false);
        $dom =& $xml->domTree( $rssFileContent,$params );

but no lucky. Is this a bug? or I miss an episode?

Best regards