Forums / Discussions / 2010 sept 14th - Meeting minutes

Thursday 23 September 2010 5:56:06 am - 6 replies


Hot on the heels of the previous meeting, here is what happened on second meeting of September. Read on !

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Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 23 September 2010 7:39:26 am

"Using the native github capabilitry of svn mirroring for pubsvn": I tried, but so far there was little use for it.

In short:

. ppl can already connect to github using svn without passing by pubsvn

. the "svn access" capability of github is limited, not all svn commands work as they should

. which makes it a hassle to do an svn sync of github to pubsvnfor later exposing that svn repo in ro mode as it was done before (mirroring the ezp svn repo): there would be no complete history / blame support, etc...

. there are other tools that mirror a git repo into an svn one, but I did not consider spending time on testing them - after all we want all devs to use git in the first place, right? ;-) Also an "exact" replica might not even be doable because of differences in the underlying systems...

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Nicolas Pastorino

Sunday 26 September 2010 1:31:16 am


"Using the native github capabilitry of svn mirroring for pubsvn": I tried, but so far there was little use for it.

In short:

. ppl can already connect to github using svn without passing by pubsvn

. the "svn access" capability of github is limited, not all svn commands work as they should


Hi Gaetano,

Do you know which SVN commands are not working with this setup ? If these are rarely used ones, we may want to use github's native functionality for this, this will dramatically reduce the amount of setup & maintenance work.


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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Gaetano Giunta

Sunday 26 September 2010 3:04:21 am

@nico: I do not have the exact list of commands that do not work - I just tried using tortoisesvn to browse the svn 'native' version of github and it was simply not good enough for real work.

I agree that pointing end users to github's native svn interface will save time and money.

I do not see a lot of added value in setting up an svn mirror. Is it just for the sake of having the old svn urls working again? Any svn die-hard can use github's version.

Otoh real added value can be found in setting up multiple code browsing and cross-referencing tools: every dev probably has his favorite one, and some might be better than others at parsing php. An interesting new entry on the list of candidates: opengrok - It needs a jvm to run :-( and is based on exhuberant ctags for language parsing. It supports git natively.

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 27 September 2010 10:25:09 am

I just tried this :

$> svn checkout

and it did not exactly work. Did you manage to get it to work ? I wanted to test which svn commands were supported.

Per the source browsing tool : why not using github's native browsing system ?

Cheers !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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Gaetano Giunta

Monday 11 October 2010 2:54:17 pm

@nico: no. First checkout worked, but upgrades failed (on file .gitignore)

Hence the bug

#017442Source Code Documentation Out of Date

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Nicolas Pastorino

Tuesday 12 October 2010 2:18:09 am

Indeed, same symptoms here now. We may have difficulties making a SVN mirror of github's repository available.

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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