Wednesday 03 August 2011 2:56:24 pm
Excellent post! Actually we have already taken this to heart (and action) for the last 6+ moths, and you'll see what I'm talking about when we will publish code, blog-post(s) and calls for feedback on API later this month. To give a peek of how far we have taken it* (making eZ Publish easier to learn):
- Concepts have been renamed to make them more intuitive, some:
- Node -> Location
- Class -> Content Type
- Attribute -> Field
- Full use of PHP5 and it's oop model with high amount of code reuse, and less code needed to extend / develop against it.
- Fully documented API (and fully unit tested, but that goes without saying)
It does not stop with API (Annapurna) though, after API the rest of the kernel should receive a similar treatment making eZ Publish easier to use, more intuitive, lighter (far higher degree of code reuse, thus easier to maintain and grasp), faster and more modern, all while still being the most powerful, extendable, adaptable CMS(/F) out there. Nico and others have also been hard at work making sure there are more educational content online, making training and especially certification more accessible. So once again, great post! * These things will of-course to some extent be open to debate, but we hope they make sense to all or most of you.
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