Forums / Discussions / eZ Publish 4.2011 Community (4.5) with Nginx and PHP-FPM on Debian 6 (“Squeeze”)
Friday 06 May 2011 9:45:56 am - 5 replies
» Read full tutorial
After completing this tutorial, you should have a working eZ Publish 4.2011 Community (or 4.5) installation running on a single Debian 6 server with the following features:
Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh
Monday 09 May 2011 3:24:36 am
Great tutorial! Well done and thanks for sharing to the community.
I've been using Nginx for some times now but as a proxying server. I've basically configure it to proxy cache all binary files and optionally forward the requests to dynamic content to another server running with Apache. Then using a modified all2evcc extension I can clear the cache on publishing by calling the purge URL handled by NGX Cache Purge plugin.
Gaetano Giunta
Monday 09 May 2011 3:58:58 am
For purging cache of reverse proxies upon content publishing, ezflow and ezworkflowcollection extensions can do it too (only drawback: only for current node url, no smart view cache mgmt)
Principal Consultant International Business Member of the Community Project Board
Daniel A. Øien
Saturday 04 June 2011 5:08:22 am
Update: with the recent Dotdeb packages, the tutorial should work exactly the same on a Debian 5 "Lenny" server, with the following exception:
in /etc/apt/sources.list, add
deb oldstable alldeb-src oldstable all
instead of
deb stable alldeb-src stable all
Daniel A. Øien Open Concept SA, Norway Web: In English:
Sander van den Akker
Saturday 11 June 2011 2:03:43 pm
Thanks for sharing this! I'm seriously considering ditching Apache from my development environment and replacing it with Nginx.
I still have one small problem. Your set of rewrite rules works like a charm but index.php is still in the url string. This used to work in Apache (even with the rewrite rules in .htaccess, although I needed the ForceVirtualHost=true ini setting).
Anyone got a solution to this?
Edit: I had a misconfiguration in the MatchOrder. Don't know how this reflected on the above problem, but solved!
eZ Publish certified developer
Friday 19 August 2011 1:32:00 am
Another detail that you might find useful: to control upload filesizes, there are three settings that you need to configure, one of which is particular to Nginx.
In the server block of your nginx sites (usually in /etc/nginx/sites-available/mysite, or in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf if you're not using sites) you need to add (examples using 50 MB):
client_max_body_size 51m;
Where XX is the desired maximum post size. This needs to be slightly higher than upload_max_filesize (see below).
You should also set in php.ini (/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini):
upload_max_filesize = 50M
post_max_size = 51M
The last one needs to be higher than upload_max_filesize as it takes into account other POST data in addition to the actual file.
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