Forums / Discussions / team kickoff call minutes

Tuesday 17 November 2009 2:19:51 am - 2 replies


Why was this team gathered today ?

This meeting is inline with the continuous will from eZ Systems to focus on the eZ Community. This focus is up to 100%, the dedicated Community Manager (Nicolas Pastorino) is here to grow the community, make it an even more attractive exchange place, and make sure it is a helpful, fun place to step by when working with eZ Publish.

The newly born is a tool for you, by you. Getting involved in making it evolve gives you the chance to share a bit of your skills and motivation in a concrete manner, keeping in mind the will to address the prominent needs of the whole. All participants to this meeting volunteered to be part of the team by answering positively to the call for participants here Five of them are not eZ employees, are long-time, active members, and decided to give a hand when they can, sharing their time to make yours. And they do have busy schedules, as we all do.

On behalf of the community: thank you.

As any team, some organization is required. This first meeting helped nail down the main ideas and objectives, sketch out the organization, and understand how we'll work together. Enforcing total transparency and openness, all meeting minutes and activity reports will be published on the dedicated " team" blog on this website.

We need more hands and volunteers. So if you want to get involved, even for small tasks, drop an email at community [at] ez [dot] no, we'll happily share the job :)

And don't forget to share your thoughts: post a comment under this blog post!

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Author Message

Bertrand Maugain

Tuesday 17 November 2009 2:47:40 am

Great initiative !

Looking forward to the first actions, I know there are many ideas.


Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 17 November 2009 2:58:38 am

Very happy to see some progress being made. Keep it up.

Some more ideas:

  • invite people to join by simple web reply here instead of email communication? seems more transparent and faster to do for the user browsing the site (his email is known to the system already)
  • announce the date for the next meeting (if any is planned), so that wannabe volunteers can know that they should join before that
  • add a page (in the "directory" section?) listing team members + add there a permanent link "become a member" + show a 'team member' emblem on members icons in their posts / articles
  • before worrying about content, please worry about management of the community itself: decide on clear and precise rules for stuff such as appropriate content for posting (commercial ads ok or not?); declare the powers of moderators (rules they should abide to); decide rules and clear venues for lamentation from users against moderators decisions and also a procedure to put in place for eviction of both members and moderators

Oh, and of course I'd like to be part of the team - if the quota for eZ employees is not filled already. Think you have my mail...

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

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eZ debug

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