Forums / Discussions / The Community Project step 1 : Governance

Wednesday 08 September 2010 9:01:18 am - 21 replies


The Community Project, opening contribution to eZ Publish, is coming into existence. Many new things to build, and so many great things to achieve together. Read on and give your feedback, this is a key topic on which every Community member should react.


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Jérôme Vieilledent

Wednesday 08 September 2010 9:55:39 am

I approve and I want to be in ! :)

Thiago Campos Viana

Wednesday 08 September 2010 10:11:18 am

Don't get me wrong, I love eZ publish, but I just think it will not work. I think the license of eZ publish doesn't motivates community contribution to the point that a fork of eZ publish code could be done by the community. This is GPL code, and it's infect all the projects that a bigger code contributor could do with eZ, and we need to remember that all the work we do in the code will be eZ systems code. Only eZ systems can license private code.

A MIT license would be great, at least for extension development, because the question is, why developers would contribute to kernel if they can't publish some private extension that would help them buy food and beer to keep them alive to contribute to kernel code without having to pay for eZ systems a huge amount of money to a project ( eZ publish community edition ) made in part by them, because all the code contributed will be of eZ systems.

Maybe I'm wrong, this is just an opinion to start the discussion.

The actual model works just because eZ systems actually developes all, or at least almost all, the code, so it's right eZ systems keep all the rights to create a dual license system, including the extension license, but if community will develop some expressive part of the kernel, extension development should be MIT.

Just some thoughts, I can change my mind if I am missing some points.

eZ Publish Certified Developer:


gilles guirand

Wednesday 08 September 2010 10:36:02 am

I could find a role. To discuss on 21th.

Gilles Guirand
eZ Community Board Member


Wednesday 08 September 2010 11:08:57 am

I approve too and sounds great :)

But i think i ll not have enough time to do all i would like to do ..

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Matthieu Sévère

Wednesday 08 September 2010 1:35:32 pm

Good job this is more than a draft. Recruitment criterias seems good to me.

You talk about "Granting commit rights and intermediate levels" does that mean that not only community project board member would be allowed to commit but also other persons with "intermediate level" ?

Everything sound pretty exciting :)

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Piotrek Karaś

Wednesday 08 September 2010 10:51:20 pm

Hello all,

Since I missed last summer conference, I'm not quite up to date with the Enterprise vs. Community concept, and perhaps some other people out there aren't either. What would be the best source of information on that subject (except for this thread and latest news)?

I am especially interested in how (if at all) will both be synchronized with each other and whether Community edition will ever benefit from the Enterprise, or is it only vice-versa?

I'd be grateful for any links, articles, slides etc.

Big thanks,

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Greg McAvoy-Jensen

Wednesday 08 September 2010 10:55:57 pm

I suggestion an additional criterion:

  • Familiarity with developers in the eZ Ecosystem

Rationale: Board members need to vet potential contributors based on their technical skill level, but also the soundness of their judgment and their ability to collaborate with the board and community. They will need to know these developers. I hope we have board members from the various regions of the world, each with some knowledge of that region's developers, so the board can grant access to developers in a way best supporting the common good.

Granite Horizon, Certified Developer of eZ Publish Web Solutions
Provider of the SaaS Solution Granite Horizon In The Cloud | | +1 916 647 6350 | California USA | @granitegreg

Andrew Duck

Thursday 09 September 2010 12:46:56 am

I agree with Greg's additional criteria and the comment regarding the various regions of the world. It would be a shame to have a Europe "heavy" community board.

Andrew Duck, Executive Director, Quiqcorp Limited
eZ Certified Developer and Trainer.
Member of the Community Project Board |

Robin Muilwijk

Thursday 09 September 2010 1:03:05 am

I'd like to add one small comment on the addition Greg made (Familiarity with developers in the eZ Ecosystem).

It would be good if some of the members of such a board have familiarity with the developers in the community, but not necessarily all have to have this in my opinion. You would then rule out people with other skills that might be a great asset to the board.

-- Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

André R.

Thursday 09 September 2010 2:39:35 am

I'll second Robin's comment, as familiarity with other eZ developers in generally should be positive as well. Not all eZ developers are active in the community, many more just work on the eZ platform all day employ by one of the eZ partners.

There should be a mix basically, to represent all users.

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Nate Parsons

Thursday 09 September 2010 7:26:22 am

Hey Guys,

I think this sounds very promising! If you are looking for US representatives to the board, I'd be happy to offer my own services. I've been working with eZ Publish for a while now, and work with one of the larger deployed bases of eZ publish sites in the US, and have had the pleasure of working with many of the agencies & web firms in the states and elsewhere that specialize in eZ Publish deployment.



I look forward to an America which will not be afraid
of grace and beauty.

-------------JFK 10/26/63------------------------------------------------

Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 09 September 2010 8:38:52 am

@Piotrek: I think the current information about that is quite incomplete now (at least to ppl who were not at the conf, such as myself), but that part of the job of the board will be setting up the missing procedures: not only there is commit rights on the code to be taken into account, but also management of documentation and translations, bug tracking and roadmap planning.

I see that the press release mentions "SCRUM (3 week sprints)", but I am sure that will be discussed a lot.

@Thiago: nothing prohibits any developer or partner to keep developing his code in (gpl'ed) extensions, if they fear that eZ Systems will piggyback their your work. But keep in mind that eZ is still producing gpl code for everybody in the community, and will continue to do so, even with the "Enterprise version" brand.

I think that right now the community is more hampered by the "though" participation processes (cannot commit, cannot manage bugs, cannot write docs) than by the licensing, and that we will be see a community participation increase. But of course everybody has his own opinions on licenses...

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Tony Wood

Monday 13 September 2010 3:18:00 am

This is a great initiative and I commend you for starting it, it is realyl good for all of us.

Have we got any solid ideas in the two following areas

1. Inclusion - One of the areas that is a challenge is ensuring that everyone gets a voice, even when some people speak too much. Also do we have a policy on the general community rules and what to do with people who break them?

2. Commercial inclusion - I am keen to ensure the community version of eZ remains a viable alternative to the commercial version as some will prefer it. Are there any initial thoughts on how we govern the direction (roadmap) of the product? Will Roland B be responsible or will the community decide?

Really looking forward to discussing.


Tony Wood :
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Trond Eivind Glomsrød

Monday 13 September 2010 4:16:34 am


2. Commercial inclusion - I am keen to ensure the community version of eZ remains a viable alternative to the commercial version as some will prefer it. Are there any initial thoughts on how we govern the direction (roadmap) of the product? Will Roland B be responsible or will the community decide?

Really looking forward to discussing.



The community edition will have its own board, so the roadmap will be one of the issues they deal with. Having a proper one could be hard; developers in open source projects often develop to scratch their own itch - thus the growth is often organic rather than planned. eZ Systems will have our own roadmap, but this is not (directly, at least) influenced by the community edition road map - although the sheer amount of it will probably have a large influence on the community edition too.

As for viability, I hope it will be a vibrant community and a great place to learn, test new ideas and technologies, gain skills, prototype web technlogies and for setting up personal and other minor sites. And, of course, when the time comes for larger projects, and you need something proven, tested, supported and stable the enterprise edition is the obvious choice. Like Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Trond Eivind Glomsrød
VP Engineering
eZ Systems

Tony Wood

Monday 13 September 2010 5:30:49 am

Hi Trond,

It is going to be really interesting to see the community mix. I think you are right the community project will be use on project were eZ Support is not needed or cannot be afforded. The comerical product will be used on projects that need.

I wonder what the split of feature requirements each will need. We could end up with two very different systems. This will be fun!

As for Roadmap - I agree in organic growth but there must at least be a plot we can follow. The market place the community system will fill the need of? thoughts?

Tony Wood :
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Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 13 September 2010 5:58:46 am

Hi Tony,

Before updating the community with a synthetic reply, including all the feedback received, here is a short reply to you regarding potential divergences between the Community Project and the Enterprise Edition.

This is something the Board will try to reduce as much as possible, serving everyone's interests. All details on this question and a few other very practical and pretty interesting points there :

Per the Community Project's direction in terms of "Product Management", see points 2 & 3 in the "Responsibilities" paragraph in the Governance draft. The Community Project Board will wisely control the direction of the Community Project, one of its most important of not the main responsibility.

Cheers !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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Tony Wood

Monday 13 September 2010 6:23:26 am

Thank you Nicolas. Please ignore the commercial / non commercial part of my comment as it is covered in the supplied thread. I missed that thread.. v v interesting.

I am really interested in a community charter or rights? Do you have one? I have been thinking about one for a while and have some basics for one I was going to use for another community if you are interested. Let me know

Tony Wood :
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Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 13 September 2010 6:38:56 am


I am really interested in a community charter or rights? Do you have one? I have been thinking about one for a while and have some basics for one I was going to use for another community if you are interested. Let me know


One is being draft by yours truly, and i will soon publish this open to get everyone's feedback. I am really keen on hearing yours, and potentially adding of your ready-made charter into it. Stay tuned Tony !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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Tony Wood

Monday 13 September 2010 7:04:09 am


I am away for a week, but when I am back I would love to help with this if you have room.


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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francis Nart

Wednesday 15 September 2010 6:15:04 am

This is a great initiative !

I have two comments to add :

1 - According to what I just read, there will be 6 members in the board. This is definitely a bad decision. You need 5 or 7 members so that when it comes to a difficult vote, you'll always have a majority.
No decision is a bad decision, nothing should stop the process.

2 - There should be one seat at the board for a non technical user. Somebody whose primary objective should be usability, ease of use.

My two cents !


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