Forums / Extensions / Call for testers: new Online Editor

Call for testers: new Online Editor

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Piotrek Karaś

Friday 18 July 2008 8:14:20 am

One question (might be a good candidate for the faq): is it a good idea to disable the ezdhtml extension if you have the ezoe one loaded?

As the matter of fact, I wasn't able to make it run as long as the old OE was enabled. But that was one of the first beta versions, so I'm not sure if that's still a case.

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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André R.

Friday 18 July 2008 9:46:46 am

New version out ( 5.0.0rc ), some bits:
* Removed CustomAttributeStyleMap since it caused embed-inline / custom inline tags to be converted to a font tags by the browser if you for instance used 'color' style for text-color.
* Added CompatibilityMode in ezoe.ini to make editor behave like OE 4.x in respect to embed tags (attachment icons) if enabled
* Added bookmarks tab in upload dialog
* Fixed: Extra paragraphs in literal tags if double line feeds where used.
* Updated TinyMCE to 3.1.1 (trunk), fixes several issues in Opera
* Fixed #013178: Duplicate embed object when I change "paragraph" to "title"
* Implemented #013368: Include image size attributes in the editor-created image tags
* Added Norwegian translation

- literal tags has some changes in this version, could you re try and create a issue if it's still there?
- anchors : Yes, they don't really have content, so made that more clear in this version.
- view: I'm not certain I want to disable it, maybe someone uses it for some reason..
- ezdhtml: Added it to faq and install file

ALL, I would like to have some feedback on the following:

- Would it be best to enable DevelopmentMode by default? (maybe rename it then to for instance PackingMode and describe it as a performance feature)

- Even though the attachment icon has it's limitation, it also has it good sides (being able to be dragged around and placed anywhere in the text), what do you think?
( enable CompatibilityMode in ezoe.ini to test )

- (in the path) Should I rename tr / td / th to be more editor friendly, if so, what about: table row / table cell / table heading ? or simply: row / cell / heading ?

- In the same spirit, what about: ol / ul / li ? ordered list / unordered list / list item ?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Espen R

Wednesday 23 July 2008 7:07:16 am

>- (in the path) Should I rename tr / td / th to be more editor friendly, if so, what about: table row / table cell / table heading ? or simply: row / cell / heading ?
>- In the same spirit, what about: ol / ul / li ? ordered list / unordered list / list item ?

By all means: Yes! :)

I'd prefer if you used "table row" etc since that's more easy for novice users to understand. I can't see that it would clutter or slow down expert users in any way either.

Mark Marsiglio

Wednesday 23 July 2008 7:38:37 am

I agree as well. Anything that will make training easier for our users is appreciated.
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frank dege

Wednesday 23 July 2008 9:18:43 am

Hi André,

is it possible to filter the objects displayed in the browse list? The objects which can be chosen (radio button) should be limited e.g. to images (if i choose the image icon).

Nice would be a ini-setting where the class_identifiers are defined where a radio button is displayed. Currently a editor als can chose a folder as an emebd object.

Thanks in advance!


André R.

Wednesday 23 July 2008 9:54:42 am

> I'd prefer if you used "table row" etc since that's more easy for novice users to understand.

So if you select a cell you will get this path:
... table > table row > table cell

But since their always child of a table, wouldn't this be just as intuitive (and saving some path space):
... table > row > cell

But of course, you can end up in situations like this then:
... table > row > heading > heading 3



> is it possible to filter the objects displayed in the browse list? The objects which can be
> chosen (radio button) should be limited e.g. to images (if i choose the image icon).

Not currently, I didn't implement it because you still need the containers to be able to browse.
But would this work?:
Filter out all but containers and images, and hide the radio button on the containers?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Piotrek Karaś

Thursday 24 July 2008 1:00:11 am

I'm trying to initiate a new pol-PL translation for OE (based on Norwegian one), but for some reason I'm not able to make it visible by the extension... Global pol-PL translation as well as extension pol-PL translations in that 4.0.0 installation work fine... What could be wrong? The file validates as an XML.

Also, the OE translation includes entries with new line as well as space used as an extreme char for example:

<source>Some word </source>
<source>Some sentence
ending here</source>

Are those valid?

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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André R.

Thursday 24 July 2008 1:43:53 am

Some notes on translating OE that might help:
* ts file should use Unix line breaks ( using notepad++: Format -> Convert to Unix format )

* some of the context'es shouldn't really be in there since they are re use of translations from ezp (for instance design/admin/content/edit and design/admin/content/search and so on)
I have fixed this in trunk.

* OE 5 caches the translations used in TinyMCE in \var\<site_name>_site\cache\javascript as long as DevelopmentMode is disabled, also remember that ezp has a Character transformation cache.

I have fixed the "Definition term " string in trunk, If you have more feedback (places you would like to have translation comments or something else) just contact me on jabber.
Also synced untranslated.ts with Nor-NO so it is up to date on the i18n strings.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

frank dege

Thursday 24 July 2008 11:39:07 am

Hi André,

can you add a carriage return to the pagebreak function in design/standard/javascript/themes/ez/editor_template.js. I tried to override the js file in my extension but it doesn´t work.

That allows to add a pagebreak and continue writing text below the pagebreak.
line 1290:
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<div type="custom" class="mce ItemCustomTag pagebreak"> </div>'+String.fromCharCode(13));


Piotrek Karaś

Thursday 24 July 2008 9:50:01 pm

I eventually made the translation work, some childish mistakes ;) Thanks for the tips, though.

Some further issues:
1) When I press elements in the path (Firefox 3), the popup opens, but it goes under the main window instead of staying on top.
2) New table popup - I don't think all the phrases have been translated or pass through i18n operator (don't have time to check that, though...): "Cols", "Rows". Also other phrases in other windows, like "No results were found when searching for...".
3) Send for publication/store draft icons are exactly the same - shouldn't they vary a bit?

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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André R.

Friday 25 July 2008 4:37:50 am

Wouldn't it be better to add a empty paragraph if this is the last element in the editor?

And don't forget my earlier question:

> is it possible to filter the objects displayed in the browse list? The objects which can be
> chosen (radio button) should be limited e.g. to images (if i choose the image icon).

Not currently, I didn't implement it because you still need the containers to be able to browse.
But would this work?:
Filter out all but containers and images, and hide the radio button on the containers?

1) annoys me to, will try to fix that soon. The funny thing is, can't reproduce it on linux. And it only happens on some actions on windows.
2) fixed in trunk now
3) I think I mentioned some time ago, couldn't find a suitable image. So if you see something that could work, please share :)

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

michael depetrillo

Friday 25 July 2008 8:12:18 pm

Is there a way to add styles to the "Format" select menu?

Right now you can only choose between Literal, Paragraph or H1 through H6.

I would like to add my own styles and have them previewed in the editor and select menu.

André R.

Thursday 07 August 2008 2:18:09 pm

No, and thats already requested earlier, but to be useful it would have to support class as well as tag. The reason I haven't done it yet is because TinyMCE doesn't support this, so I would need to override the FormatBlock function in the theme to add it.

5.0.0rc2 is out:
* Cleaned up i18n use and Nor-NO, and synced untranslated.ts with the Nor-NO file.
* Language for TinyMCE now uses Locale from site ini instead of locale from xml attribute.
* Fixed: Some strings in table dialog where not using i18n().
* Fixed: pagebreak where inserted inside paragraphs but should escape it.
* Show more editor friendly names on xml tags in path ( tr -> table row )
* Fixed #013402: OE problem if ezxmlfield is required /empty and Add object (objectrelation) is clicked
* Only allow image selections in browse and bookmark node lists when image button is pressed
* Fixed regression in image popup: search did not filter on image classes
* Added workaround for #013013 (Link with anchor removed on re-edit) in Internet Explorer
* Added Validation for deleted embed objects on publish
partly fixing #013391: ezoe handles removed images incorrect
* make ctrl+8|9 set pre tag instead of unsupported div|address tags

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Piotrek Karaś

Tuesday 12 August 2008 10:04:48 pm

André and all,

Will there be any way of using the same MCE editor for other textareas, in pure HTML mode?

I will have some extensions that require MCE editor, and now it might have to double its installations. Do you think it would be possible to use just the one bundled with OE, and if not now - would you consider such option in the future?


Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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André R.

Wednesday 13 August 2008 2:05:38 am

Should be possible, TinyMCE in it self is not modified, just include the editor and avoid using the OE specific theme, settings and plugin(s) (they have 'ez' in their name).
So you'll get a stock tinyMCE editor, but that is what you want isn't it?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Piotrek Karaś

Wednesday 13 August 2008 3:50:54 am

<i>So you'll get a stock tinyMCE editor, but that is what you want isn't it?</i>

Yup, and it seems to work fine. I just wonder if that's a good approach, or maybe I should include TinyMCE in my extension anyway...

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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Xavier Dutoit

Sunday 24 August 2008 4:06:52 am

Hi all,

I'm trying the tinyMCE version, and I have to say that's a great improvement over the ezhtml version.

I have a problem with copy paste, when the content contains several <br><br>. The final version on ez has "cleaned" it to keep only one <br> (hence a different space between the "paragraphs".

Is there an option to not clean the br, as there is one to be able to keep empty paragraphs ?


André R.

Monday 25 August 2008 4:48:07 am

I have a problem with copy paste, when the content contains several <br><br>. The final version on ez has "cleaned" it to keep only one <br> (hence a different space between the "paragraphs".

But this isn't a new problem is it? You have the same problem in the old editor?
I did face this issue a while back while going over the documentation for the new editor with the doc team, and from what I remember this is a 'feature' of the ez xml handler and not the editor. Basically the line tag requires content, so if you add a whitespace on each new line it will currently not remove the <br> tag.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Xavier Dutoit

Monday 25 August 2008 11:59:32 am


Indeed, it's a "feature" as well on the previous editor.

As for your suggestion to add a space, well, being cut n' paste, I'd say it won't make it ;)

Am I the only one to find this "feature" very hard to appreciate, let alone make appreciate by the end users, that try to paste and see that it doesn't work ?

Did you see if it would be easy to hack the ezinput hander to "suppress" that feature ?


Xavier Dutoit

Thursday 28 August 2008 7:06:59 am


Two questions about customising the oe:

1) Is it possible to avoid resizing the pop-up size ?
I'm on FF, with new windows opening in a new tab. When I upload an image, the dialog goes to a new tab (so far so good), but then it resizes it, and it obviously resize FF window, not only the dialog tab

Is it possible to just open the dialog without having it resizing itself ?

2) The HeaderN & other classes are customised for the site of course, how is is possible to embed a css into the editor iframe so it's more WYSIWYG ?

Otherwise, it works much better than the previous oe so far. Well done!


eZ debug

Timing: Jan 30 2025 00:58:29
Script start
Timing: Jan 30 2025 00:58:29
Module start 'content'
Timing: Jan 30 2025 00:58:30
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 30 2025 00:58:30
Script end

Main resources:

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Peak memory usage4,096.0000 KB
Database Queries274

Timing points:

CheckpointStart (sec)Duration (sec)Memory at start (KB)Memory used (KB)
Script start 0.00000.0053 588.4766180.8281
Module start 'content' 0.00531.1441 769.3047927.2422
Module end 'content' 1.14940.1102 1,696.5469399.9453
Script end 1.2596  2,096.4922 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.00360.2883210.0002
Check MTime0.00150.1153210.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00060.048710.0006
Looping result0.00230.18492720.0000
Template Total1.233597.920.6168
Template load0.00160.130820.0008
Template processing1.231897.786220.6159
Template load and register function0.00010.011010.0001
Cache load0.00190.14731660.0000
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00120.092580.0001
Fetch class attribute name0.00070.0582250.0000
Image XML parsing0.01140.906480.0014
Instantiating content class attribute0.00010.0054370.0000
String conversion0.00000.000430.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

CSS/JS files loaded with "ezjscPacker" during request:


Templates used to render the page:

UsageRequested templateTemplateTemplate loadedEditOverride
1node/view/full.tplfull/forum_topic.tplextension/sevenx/design/simple/override/templates/full/forum_topic.tplEdit templateOverride template
17content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/content/datatype/view/ezimage.tplEdit templateOverride template
20content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl<No override>extension/community_design/design/suncana/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tplEdit templateOverride template
5content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/literal.tpl<No override>extension/community/design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/literal.tplEdit templateOverride template
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23content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/line.tpl<No override>design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/line.tplEdit templateOverride template
1pagelayout.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/pagelayout.tplEdit templateOverride template
 Number of times templates used: 104
 Number of unique templates used: 7

Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs