Sunday 05 April 2009 3:10:34 pm
Hi, I'm trying to work with facets but not with content classes but attributes, and I'm getting a weird behavior of the result. Based on ezwebin search template, I changed the link "class" with "attribute name" and the facet field is <class_identifier>/<attribute_identifier> as follow:
<a href={concat( $baseURI, '&facet_field=community/version' )|ezurl}>{'Version'|i18n( 'design/ezwebin/content/search' )}</a>
My attribute "version" is an ezselection of text and numbers (ezPublish, 4.0, 3.9 ...).
When I click on "version" I got: Groups: ezpublish(3) ez(3) publish(3) 0(1) 4(1) ...
I expected: Groups: ezpublish(3) 4.0(1) ... I'm using ezPublish 4.0.1, ezFind2.0, Debian.