Friday 07 November 2008 7:36:49 am
I have a problem using ezfind on a multiple sites ez4.0.1
I have three differents sites on the same ez installation. This is my ezfind.ini in ezfind extension
# Prepend site URL with http:// or https://
# Site index public available. For changes to take effect, the search
# index must be updated by running bin/php/updatesearchindex.php
# Search other installations
After updating all three indexations (php extension/ezfind/bin/php/updatesearchindexsolr.php -s <admin siteaccess>), all the contents are indexed in all three sites.
i.e. for instance a word has 45 matches in all 3 admin design and all 45 can be listed and in the front of the first it says there are 45 matches but is showing the ones related to the siteaccess (10 for one, 17 for the second and 18 for the third).. So it's searching in other intallations whereas the variable SearchOtherInstallations is disabled... What am i doing wrong in the process, couldn't find anything about it on the forum? Thx Gwen