Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / eZFind and pdf indexing
Gwenal Le Bihan
Friday 19 September 2008 2:30:33 am
I've been trying to index pdf files using eZ4.0.1, eZfind and this binaryfile parser and it's working ok except for too large pdf files.
I tried it on a 2,7Mo pdf file (approx 140000 car) and I have no error messages in any log and my files is indexed until a certain point and then nothing (approx 66% of the words are taken care of).
Is there a limit (size, number of caracters, ...) in some conf file like solrconfig.xml but i quite not understand everything in it and don't want to mess with it ...
Is there anybody out there with the same problem?
Thanks a lot
Friday 19 September 2008 3:54:56 am
PS : In the ezbinaryparser.php, i've removed this line :
// $sData = substr($sData, 0, $iCharacterLimit);
so that i don't have a partial index for my file during the original upload.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs