Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / Is AllowEmptySearch an ezfind setting
laurent le cadet
Wednesday 02 January 2008 9:39:32 am
I tryed to add AllowEmptySearch=disabled to the SearchSettings, but ezfind still print out empty search.
Could you confirm this setting is not considered by ezfind?
Best regards.
Wednesday 02 January 2008 9:45:56 am
It depends on the version but it seems effort has been taken to address your concern. You may wish to upgrade eZ Find (and or eZ Publish, as needed)
Brookins Consulting | Certified | Solutions | eZpedia community documentation project |
Wednesday 02 January 2008 10:07:08 am
Hi Heath,
I'm using ezFind 1.0.2 and ezPublish 3.9.4.Do you really think I need to upgrade to 3.10 ?
( or should I use a simple javascript to prevent empty search :)
Wednesday 02 January 2008 10:20:19 am
Upgrade to eZ Find 1.0.3
I would not use a javascript hack as it would only affect js users (which we are not one with no-script+firefox). If you expect js without testing your users will encounter problems and you may not hear about it.
You don't want to upgrade eZ Publish 3.10.x unless you *must*
Each eZ Publish Branch is broken in many different ways ( 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 4.0 ) .... <i>Choose Wisely</i> when upgrading and be careful.
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