Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / Or search
Julien Plesniak
Monday 17 December 2007 8:18:52 am
how to do an or search?Example, if i write "dog cat", i want to return all the dog and all the cat.
thanks for help
Kåre Køhler Høvik
Friday 21 December 2007 1:19:57 am
eZ Find does not support or searches at the moment. Please add it as a feature enhancement in the issue tracker if this is something you'd like in future versions.
Kåre Høvik
Arnaud Lafon
Thursday 20 March 2008 3:56:17 am
Hi guys,
Any update about this ezfind feature ?
We really need to make this working. I searched into the solr***.php files.I can't figure out why a solr query in the solr administration with "keyword" OR "keyword" is working and not working through ezfind...
Best regards,Arnaud
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Friday 21 March 2008 1:03:43 am
Hello,to do the OR search, i modify the kernel of the search
Friday 21 March 2008 6:45:30 am
Hi Julien,
thx for your reply.Could you explain us how did you do that ?
I've tried a lot of hack in these classes, without good result :( extension/ezfind/classes/ezsolrbase.php extension/ezfind/classes/ezsolrdoc.phpextension/ezfind/search/plugins/ezsolr/ezsolr.php
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