Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / Results visualizzation

Results visualizzation

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Alessandro Romanin

Wednesday 10 June 2009 3:53:42 am

I've already installed ez Find extension and it works well, but I'm still a newbie.
I created a new override to fill with a custom search form.
The result should be all documents containing the word "pub" and having the content object attribute "pub/town" with a value of the searching town name.
I wrote the following code to fetch and show data; I can't understand which part is failed because nothing is shown.

{def $filterhash=hash( 'query', 'pub',
				'filter', 'pub/town:$town',
                        'sort_by', hash( 'pub/name', 'asc' )}

{$seeker = fetch( 'ezfind', 'search', $filterhash)}
<br />
{foreach $seeker as $pub}
        <div class="attribute-title">
            <h2 style="margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.25em">
                <a href="/ezpublish/index.php/en/Pub/{$}">{$}</a>
<br />

Can anybody help me, please?

Thanks in advance

Max Keil

Thursday 25 June 2009 3:28:35 pm


ezfind/search returns an array with Search Information, not only the nodes. You should loop over $seeker.SearchResult to get your informations. You can also dump this array with:

{$seeker|attribute(show,2)} to see al the provided variables .

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best regards

Max Keil

eZ Publish Gold Partner -