Wednesday 10 March 2010 5:25:45 am
Hello Matthieu, The only way to achieve this is to make sure the attributes you want to sort on are indexed. Is this the case for login_count and last_visit ? You can check this by directly requesting the Solr backend, and inspecting what attributes/fields are there : http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=&qt=ezpublish&fl=* Then, once they are indexed, the next step is to make sure the given sort field is understood by the query builder in eZ Find. Content attributes and default metadata fields ( "published", "modified",... ) are taken into account. This could be a nice addition to be able to push custom ( metadata ) fields at the class level ( :) ) Finally, the field you want to sort needs to be understood by Solr as being a Sortable field. You can verify this based on the field type associated to the attribute you want to sort by, and its definition in schema.xml. Not all filedTypes are sortable. Let us know how it goes !
Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board
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