Forums / Extensions / eZ Newsletter / configuring Topmenu_lookAndFeel
Sebastian Schoeller
Wednesday 14 May 2008 12:07:12 am
Hi all,
I have checked out ezp4 version from svn using the "eZ Newsletter Installation Guide" for configuration purposes. Apart from a mailimport issue most things seem to be working well (thanks to everybody concerned), apart from one thing which concerns the configuration part of the TopAdminMenu.
The installation guide recommends to do the following in menu.ini.append.php under [TopAdminMenu]:
Tabs[]=lookAndFeel Tabs[]=eznewsletter Tabs[]=eznewsletter_setup [Topmenu_lookAndFeel] NavigationPartIdentifier=ezdesign Name=Look & Feel Tooltip=Manage newsletters URL[] URL[default]=content/edit/54 Enabled[] Enabled[default]=true Enabled[browse]=false Enabled[edit]= Shown[] Shown[default]=true Shown[edit]=true Shown[navigation]=true Shown[browse]=false
Now I wonder where content/edit/54 is supposed to be pointing at, since currently calling 54 wants to edit the site layout. I would be greatful if somebody could point me into a helpful direction. Otherwise I would just remove the menu topic.
Best wishes
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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