Forums / Extensions / ezmultiupload authentication pop up

ezmultiupload authentication pop up

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Steven Bressey

Monday 28 June 2010 1:39:52 am

I am struggling with a strange problem on a website I just installed, with ezmultipload extension.

When one tries to upload several files from a network folder via the ezmultipload extension, an active directory authentication pop up appears and the upload fails.

The pop up only appears with firefox and not with internet explorer.

Has anyone experienced this kind of problem ?

I read on the extension project page that "Because of Flash limitations, the uploader does not support basic authentication.". Is this limitation the cause of the problem ?

Has anyone found a workaround ?

Thank you for your answers.

Jérôme Vieilledent

Monday 28 June 2010 4:48:42 am

Hi Steven

I guess your problem does not appear in IE because Active Directory is deeply implemented in it, which is not the case for Firefox or any other browser.

I believe that indeed your problem comes from some Flash limitation...

Steven Bressey

Monday 28 June 2010 5:14:43 am

Thank your for your answer, Jérôme.

So I just have to tell the users to use Internet Explorer when using multiupload ?

Or does anyone know a solution on how to get this working with firefox ?

Clément Matéo

Thursday 15 July 2010 7:48:21 am


I had the same problem and I wish to know if anyone knows how to solve it.

Steven Bressey

Thursday 15 July 2010 8:25:29 am

Well I think no solution really exists.

I just told my client to use Internet explorer or to copy files locally before uploading them with firefox.

Anyway, firefox + Active Directory right management = a lot of problems, so I think it's no use struggling with this and we just have to accept it.

Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 15 July 2010 10:01:33 am


- I presume that you got your firefox integration with ad correct, right (ie. enabling kerberos support in firefox)? Btw, are you using ad to protect the eZ?

- ad is not 'basic auth', but 'ntlm' auth. even harder to support for flash than baisc auth is

- does it work if the files are local on the pc before upload?

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