Forums / Extensions / Image into Block XML / transparency PNG
Jonathan Clavier
Thursday 02 June 2011 6:14:36 am
Hello everyone, I try to insert an image into an XML block but when I click on browse, I can not select images. How can I do? I also have a second problem: When I insert an image in PNG, the transparency does not work and the background becomes black. (I use ImageMagick). Would you have answers?
Marko Žmak
Friday 03 June 2011 4:59:42 am
Regarding the png transparency problem, try using imagegd instead of imagemagick. This helped when I had the exact same problem.
Regarding the image insert problem, your should describe better what's the problem, it's not really clear...
-- Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it! Hubert Farnsworth
Friday 03 June 2011 9:20:53 am
I'll try to use image gd, OK. For the other problem, when I click on the button "upload new image " in the wysiwyg editor, I go to "browse" and then I can not select my image. Thank you in advance
Friday 03 June 2011 3:18:38 pm
It sounds like your problem with inserting images is related to some wrong ini settings. In the FAQ of ezoe you have this part:
4. When I insert an image into the editor, it does not show the image. =============================================================================== Check the 'extension/ezoe/settings/content.ini.append.php' file, find line ImagesClassList[]=your_image_class_identifier under [RelationGroupSettings]. Is the image class identifier correct? (or add file / line if it's not there)
So check this setting and the clas identifier of your image class.
If this doesn't help maybe Andre R. could help...
Saturday 04 June 2011 1:37:53 am
Hello, I have this line in the configuration file: ImagesClassList [] = image I still have the problem. If someone with another idea (Andre R. may be;-)))
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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