Forums / Extensions / Oline Editor and Object Relation List > Fatal Error
Wilfried Pigoury
Wednesday 10 October 2007 2:26:30 am
In a content class I have an ezxmltext attribute and an ezobjectrelationlist attribute. In my content when I try to create a new object in my ezobjectrelationlist I got a very explicite error:Cannot redeclare class ezxmlinputparser in /home/wpigoury/www/ on line 0
If I deactivate the oline editor (whether directly in my content or by deactivating the extension) it works just fine.
Is there a workaround to avoid having to deactivate the oline editor each time I want to create on object in my ezobjectrelationlist ?
I'm using eZPublish 3.9.3 on a linux plateform and I tried both the version given with the 3.9.3 and the last version of oline editor.