Forums / General / 4.4 does not display subitems in admin

4.4 does not display subitems in admin

Author Message

Slavo Uhrin

Tuesday 12 October 2010 3:11:17 pm

I have solved this issue by modifying apache rewrite rules, because ezjscore keeps YUI scripts in the /design/standard/lib/ subdirectory, instead of /design/standard/javascript/, as one would expect. Therefore it won't work if you follow just the default installation instructions for the virtual host setup and the scripts are not loaded from an external CDN.

The modified rule:

RewriteRule ^/extension/[^/]+/design/[^/]+/(stylesheets|flash|images|lib|javascripts?)/.* - [L]

This is also mentioned in the documentation for the extension.

independent eZ developer |

Daniele Cacace

Thursday 02 December 2010 3:34:29 am

I have the same problem.

In html i see:

<<span class="start-tag">script</span><span class="attribute-name"> type</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"text/javascript"</span>>
(function() {

var icons = {    'eng-GB': '/share/icons/flags/eng-GB.gif',    'ger-DE': '/share/icons/flags/ger-DE.gif',    'ita-IT': '/share/icons/flags/ita-IT.gif'};

var vcols = {    ezcontentnavigationpart : 'checkbox;crank;name;hidden_status_string;published_date;priority'.split(';'),
    ezmedianavigationpart : 'checkbox;crank;thumbnail;name;hidden_status_string;class_name'.split(';'),
    ezusernavigationpart : 'checkbox;crank;name;creator;published_date'.split(';')};

var confObj = {
    sortKey: "priority",
    dataSourceURL: "/assofumi_admin/ezjscore/call/ezjscnode::subtree::2",
    rowsPrPage: 25,
    sortOrder: 1,
    defaultShownColumns: vcols,
    navigationPart: "ezcontentnavigationpart",
    cookieName: "eZSubitemColumns",
    cookieSecure: false,
    cookieDomain: "",
    languagesString: "[ { locale: 'ita-IT', name: 'Italiano' } ]",
    classesString: "[ { classID: '2', name: 'Article' }, { classID: '42', name: 'Article (main-page)' }, { classID: '43', name: 'Article (sub-page)' }, { classID: '81', name: 'Azienda' }, { classID: '72', name: 'Banner' }, { classID: '44', name: 'Blog' }, { classID: '45', name: 'Blog post' }, { classID: '79', name: 'CJW Newsletter Article' }, { classID: '78', name: 'CJW Newsletter Edition' }, { classID: '77', name: 'CJW Newsletter List' }, { classID: '75', name: 'CJW Newsletter Root' }, { classID: '76', name: 'CJW Newsletter System' }, { classID: '13', name: 'Comment' }, { classID: '82', name: 'Contatto' }, { classID: '49', name: 'Documentation page' }, { classID: '70', name: 'Event' }, { classID: '71', name: 'Event calendar' }, { classID: '47', name: 'Feedback form' }, { classID: '57', name: 'File' }, { classID: '58', name: 'Flash' }, { classID: '59', name: 'Flash recorder' }, { classID: '1', name: 'Folder' }, { classID: '67', name: 'Forum' }, { classID: '69', name: 'Forum reply' }, { classID: '68', name: 'Forum topic' }, { classID: '73', name: 'Forums' }, { classID: '65', name: 'Gallery' }, { classID: '5', name: 'Image' }, { classID: '50', name: 'Infobox' }, { classID: '11', name: 'Link' }, { classID: '51', name: 'Multicalendar' }, { classID: '52', name: 'Poll' }, { classID: '46', name: 'Product' }, { classID: '16', name: 'Quicktime' }, { classID: '62', name: 'Quicktime' }, { classID: '17', name: 'Real video' }, { classID: '64', name: 'Real video' }, { classID: '80', name: 'Richiesta utenza' }, { classID: '74', name: 'Silverlight' }, { classID: '60', name: 'Video/Flash Player' }, { classID: '18', name: 'Windows media' }, { classID: '63', name: 'Windows media' } ]",
    flagIcons: icons

var labelsObj = {

                        msg_loading: "Caricamento..."

                        thumbnail: "Icona",
                        name: "Nome",
                        visibility: "Visibilità",
                        type: "Tipo",
                        modifier: "Modificato da",
                        modified: "Modificato il",
                        published: "Pubblicato",
                        section: "Sezione",
                        translations: "Traduzioni",
                        priority: "Priorità",
                        nodeid: "ID Nodo",
                        objectid: "ID Oggetto",
                        noderemoteid: "Id remoto del nodo",
                        objectremoteid: "Id remoto dell\047oggetto"

                        header: "Opzioni tabella",
                        header_noipp: "Numero elementi per pagina:",
                        header_vtc: "Colonne tabella visibili:"

                        select: "Seleziona",
                        select_sav: "Seleziona visibili",
                        select_sn: "Deseleziona",
                        create_new: "Crea nuovo/a",
                        more_actions: "Altre azioni",
                        more_actions_rs: "Elimina selezionati",
                        more_actions_ms: "Sposta selezionati",
                        more_actions_no: "Usa i checkboxes per selezionare uno o più elementi.",
                        table_options: "Opzioni tabella",
                        first_page: "&laquo; primo",
                        previous_page: "&lsaquo; prec",
                        next_page: "succ &rsaquo;",
                        last_page: "ultimo &raquo;"
    var createGroups = [
                "CJW Newsletter"
    var createOptions = [
                                { text: "Article", value: 2 }
                                ,                        { text: "Article (main-page)", value: 42 }
                                ,                        { text: "Article (sub-page)", value: 43 }
                                ,                        { text: "Azienda", value: 81 }
                                ,                        { text: "Banner", value: 72 }
                                ,                        { text: "Blog", value: 44 }
                                ,                        { text: "Blog post", value: 45 }
                                ,                        { text: "Comment", value: 13 }
                                ,                        { text: "Contatto", value: 82 }
                                ,                        { text: "Documentation page", value: 49 }
                                ,                        { text: "Event", value: 70 }
                                ,                        { text: "Event calendar", value: 71 }
                                ,                        { text: "Feedback form", value: 47 }
                                ,                        { text: "Folder", value: 1 }
                                ,                        { text: "Forum", value: 67 }
                                ,                        { text: "Forum reply", value: 69 }
                                ,                        { text: "Forum topic", value: 68 }
                                ,                        { text: "Forums", value: 73 }
                                ,                        { text: "Gallery", value: 65 }
                                ,                        { text: "Infobox", value: 50 }
                                ,                        { text: "Link", value: 11 }
                                ,                        { text: "Multicalendar", value: 51 }
                                ,                        { text: "Poll", value: 52 }
                                ,                        { text: "Product", value: 46 }
                                ,                        { text: "Richiesta utenza", value: 80 }
                                { text: "CJW Newsletter Article", value: 79 }
                                ,                        { text: "CJW Newsletter Edition", value: 78 }
                                ,                        { text: "CJW Newsletter List", value: 77 }
                                ,                        { text: "CJW Newsletter Root", value: 75 }
                                ,                        { text: "CJW Newsletter System", value: 76 }
                                { text: "Common ini settings", value: 14 }
                                ,                        { text: "Template look", value: 15 }
                                { text: "File", value: 57 }
                                ,                        { text: "Flash", value: 58 }
                                ,                        { text: "Flash recorder", value: 59 }
                                ,                        { text: "Image", value: 5 }
                                ,                        { text: "Quicktime", value: 16 }
                                ,                        { text: "Quicktime", value: 62 }
                                ,                        { text: "Real video", value: 17 }
                                ,                        { text: "Real video", value: 64 }
                                ,                        { text: "Silverlight", value: 74 }
                                ,                        { text: "Video/Flash Player", value: 60 }
                                ,                        { text: "Windows media", value: 18 }
                                ,                        { text: "Windows media", value: 63 }
                                { text: "User", value: 4 }
                                ,                        { text: "User group", value: 3 }

YUILoader.require(['datatable', 'button', 'container', 'cookie']);
YUILoader.onSuccess = function() {
    sortableSubitems.init(confObj, labelsObj, createGroups, createOptions);
var options = [];
YUILoader.insert(options, 'js');

</<span class="end-tag">script</span>>
<<span class="start-tag">div</span><span class="attribute-name"> id</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"action-controls-container"</span>>
    <<span class="start-tag">div</span><span class="attribute-name"> id</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"action-controls"</span>></<span class="end-tag">div</span>>
    <<span class="start-tag">div</span><span class="attribute-name"> id</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"tpg"</span>></<span class="end-tag">div</span>>
</<span class="end-tag">div</span>>
<<span class="start-tag">div</span><span class="attribute-name"> id</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"content-sub-items-list" </span><span class="attribute-name">class</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"content-navigation-childlist"</span>></<span class="end-tag">div</span>>
<<span class="start-tag">div</span><span class="attribute-name"> id</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"bpg"</span>></<span class="end-tag">div</span>>

<<span class="start-tag">div</span><span class="attribute-name"> id</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"to-dialog-container"</span>></<span class="end-tag">div</span>>

Christian Pfeffer Gjengedal

Thursday 02 December 2010 4:56:51 am

If you cannot see neither the toolbar or the subitems table, the YUI libraries are not loaded.

This normally happens because of ezjscore not having the correct configuration after an upgrade or because of missing rewrite rules. Please have a look at different solutions in this thread.

Duffy Walsh

Friday 03 December 2010 2:14:21 am


See what are the links to ALL the JS files in the page. Then open in your browser all this links and for each one see what you get. If you get HTML content then it's a problem in rewrite rules. If you get proper JS code then the problem is somewhere else.


So after a suggestion to try it on another machine, it looks like it is now working in FF on a Mac, and in IE8 on Windows. The issue I am still having is with FF on Windows.

Duffy Walsh

Reinhard Hutter

Sunday 09 January 2011 10:16:43 am

I've had the same issues with a fresh v4.4 plain site install in virtual host setup. I had to disable a rewrite rule in .htaccess to fix it:

# if next line is present in a v4.4 virtual host setup, disable it
# RewriteRule ezjscore/call/ /index_ajax.php [L]

Milos Petkovic

Friday 05 August 2011 2:18:29 pm

I have this problem too. In my log file:

Error ocurred using URI: /extension/ezjscore/design/standard/lib/yui/2.8.1/build/utilities/utilities.js

I've read all about this problem in the forum and I haven't found the right solution. I guess that the path to the css and js in the extension ezjscore isn't correct or rewrite rules aren't good. I've put in the  .htaccess file

RewriteRule ^/extension/[^/]+/design/[^/]+/(stylesheets|flash|images|lib|javascripts?)/.* - [L]

but subitems still didn't show up in the admin. What else should I do?
Installed version 4.4.0.

eZ debug

Timing: Jan 17 2025 20:58:45
Script start
Timing: Jan 17 2025 20:58:45
Module start 'content'
Timing: Jan 17 2025 20:58:45
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 17 2025 20:58:45
Script end

Main resources:

Total runtime0.1002 sec
Peak memory usage2,048.0000 KB
Database Queries141

Timing points:

CheckpointStart (sec)Duration (sec)Memory at start (KB)Memory used (KB)
Script start 0.00000.0060 596.5859180.8438
Module start 'content' 0.00600.0059 777.4297116.1484
Module end 'content' 0.01180.0883 893.5781542.7656
Script end 0.1001  1,436.3438 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.00313.1088200.0002
Check MTime0.00121.1805200.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00090.914110.0009
Looping result0.00080.81011390.0000
Template Total0.088087.810.0880
Template load0.00080.811310.0008
Template processing0.087186.957710.0871
Cache load0.00060.572910.0006
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00030.325210.0003
Image XML parsing0.00020.212510.0002
String conversion0.00000.005930.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

CSS/JS files loaded with "ezjscPacker" during request:


Templates used to render the page:

UsageRequested templateTemplateTemplate loadedEditOverride
1pagelayout.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/pagelayout.tplEdit templateOverride template
 Number of times templates used: 1
 Number of unique templates used: 1

Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs