Forums / General / A New Community for eZ Publish

A New Community for eZ Publish

Author Message

Stuart DH

Friday 02 July 2004 4:10:28 am

I'm currently setting up an online community for eZ Publish that will include video tutorials, FAQs and a forum. The site is called the 'eZ Pub' and can be found at

If you've got any ideas about features, format, design, content etc for the site, then all comments at this early stage will be gratefully received.

Essentially, the site aims to get people talking on a social level, to combine knowledge and solve problems together.

The site is now live and I'll start to add more content during the weekend. Let me know what you think.



Alex Jones

Friday 02 July 2004 7:06:19 am

Hey Stuart! It is good to see someone tryign to expand the community. I look forward to seeing the new site expand. I have one question though, how do you see eZ Pub in relation to this site and the SVN repostiroy? Some of the goals appear to overlap (combine knowledge and solve problems). I definitely think we need more content in general, and am excited about your plans for tutorials and the like for new users.

bald_technologist on the IRC channel: #eZpublish ::

[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Stuart DH

Friday 02 July 2004 7:53:37 am

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your comments.

Re: The direction of eZ Pub - I think the main differences will be in the way that the community will hopefully socialise and how information is presented differently. is a great site with lots of info, but it doesn't have a community feel about it and it can seem a bit daunting for newbies. Questions and answers in the forums are quite formal, often unanswered and first names are seldom used. There are rarely any 'Thanks for the info', 'Cheers mate' or similar easy-going posts.

eZ Publish needs to present a professional front and for the most part this site satisifies that requirement. However, I think that a more relaxed approach is also needed, developers would really benefit from getting to know each other a bit better, a problem shared etc...and that's why I've set up the eZ Pub.

Despite being a virtual newb to CMS with virtually no skills in PHP, I really don't think that eZ Publish is the scary app that many developers make it out to be. Problems with installation and errors in the documentation and tutorials really let the side down and lead to fustrated newbs that scrap eZ Publish before they've even got going with it. One million downloads and yet very few users in the community.

Fustrated users are leaving their opinions in the comments of the documentation and with requests for help left unanswered for months it gives a pretty bad impression of an otherwise superb app.

eZ Pub will hopefully be a place for these people to left off some steam and if the presentation of the info on the site is right, then they shouldn't get anywhere near boiling point.

I've produced video tutorials for other apps, including Softimage XSI (which some people regard as probably the biggest and most complicated app ever built) and the vids work wonders for getting newbies off the ground. I'm all for providing support for a fee, but I wonder how many potential customers they've lost because they turned and ran on the first day or two.

While I don't have the skill to put together complicated tutorials, I'll happily work with others in the community to record their ideas. I realise that info will probably overlap and to that end, I'd be more than happy to consider ways of sharing eZ Pub info with this site and SVN to keep duplication to a minimum, but even so, I think that the it's the presentation of the info that will be the main difference.

One size doesn't fit all and whilst eZ Pub will hopefully be right for many people, others will no-doubt still find and SVN the better option.

Stuart DH

Friday 02 July 2004 11:26:41 am


I'm having problems with my forms not collecting all the info. Could you email me at info @


Alex Jones

Friday 02 July 2004 3:12:49 pm

Thanks for the details Stuart. :) The new site sounds promising, and I really like the idea of focusing on the new user.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Kai Duebbert

Saturday 03 July 2004 7:51:52 am

Hey Stuart,

Looks quite good the site. How do I register or do you want to keep it anonymously?

In my opinion what eZ publish really needs is a good community site for extensions and templates. The current contribution area here is not good enough. I find it very frustrating looking through all the contributions here from time to time to see if there are any new interesting ones. Also, I think newbies mostly have problems with the templates. There should be more examples for that.

Just my 2 cents...


Stuart DH

Wednesday 07 July 2004 2:50:42 am

Thanks for your comments Kai. I'll certainly look to add those sort of features fairly soon.

The site will probably be kept anonymous but registration is required to post in the forum.

That said, the site has been up for a week now and it has only had 21 unique visitors. I've not advertised and I'm still currently submitting to the search engines, but it looks as though I may be flogging a dead horse.

One million downloads and only 21 visitors. There are about 1500 users registered to the forum, which is also very small in comparison to most apps and imho the biggest disadvantage to ez Publish.

Looking through the forums of other OS apps shows postings every minute of the day.

Where did those one million eZ Publish downloaders go?

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 07 July 2004 3:18:41 am

I think its about 15000, but id be interesting in activity levels for this figure.

Stuart, where are you based in the uk?



Stuart DH

Wednesday 07 July 2004 5:00:04 am

Hi Paul,

You're right, my typo.

I'm in Cheshire setting up a national wildlife education charity. CMS is only one part of the massive project, but it's unfortunately taking up a disproportionately huge amount of time.

Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 07 July 2004 5:28:42 am


Some statistics from

- Each month between 2000 and 3000 visitors (different IP addresses)
- Roughly 1.5 GB download traffic per month
- 1/3 svn clients, 2/3 web browsing (IE/Mozilla = 75%/25% in june 2004)
- most popular part is

Yet, for the past half year the traffic to is declining a bit (in numbr of unique visitors, the overall activity seems steadier). This is partly due to the better docs IMHO (the old manual pages were very popular when was launched, less in the past months)

I have a bit my doubts on launching a new community site (don't like fragmentation), though I do support your wishes & complaints on the usability of the community/contributions part. Also, from mid-july, things should improve here on with a dedicated ez crew member allocated for supporting the community.



eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Stuart DH

Wednesday 07 July 2004 6:39:26 am

Thanks for the info Paul.

I still find it incredible that with one million downloads, 15000 registrations and 2-3000 UVs to SVN, there are so very few posts on this forum.

I agree with you about fragmentation as I would also love to have all the info in one place. However, I think that the above stats prove that the current system isn't working. I hope that by employing a dedicated member of staff things will change, but I have my reservations. Communities are obviously community-driven.

If users to this community don't like the way it works, where else can they go? Personally, I find this site difficult to navigate, full of long-standing open threads and still no FAQs.

To be honest, I really don't want to start a new community as I'm already very busy doing other things; but I think it is very much needed, if only for newbies. In an ideal world, I'd like to see an eZ Publish community that is so strong that it doesn't require input from the ez system crew, be it the occasional comment or a fully dedicted member of staff. This would ultimately result in the eZ publish crew being able to spend more time working on development of the app, which has got to be better for everyone.

Rami Grossman

Wednesday 07 July 2004 7:35:25 am

Great site, keep on the good work!

I liked the tutorials idea!

Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 07 July 2004 8:20:07 am

Hi Stuart

The small number of posts/ registered users is not entirely abnormal. I follow ez publish and another CMS and I also see what happens for example on our internal discussions forums (600+ "members"). Participation is typically less than 1%, so the low ratio is not atypical for ez publish.

The audience for eZ publish is also a bit different than phpnukes, typo3 and similar: more "corporate" users for instance (or is that wishful thinking?). A lot of them can't be active because of busy lives and schedules (and sometimes ez babies --tony). For example, I find myself very much in time constraints lately and this won't change much until deep in 2005. Another part of the story is that quite a few hanging around here try to make money with ez publish and will be less motivated to participate actively (you know the exceptions).

One observation concerns me more though: the low number of experienced community developers. While I don't expect all developments outside the ez crew to publish their work, I think the contributions indicate a quite low activity compared to the potential. I hope the ez book lowers the barrier for that too.

Mea culpa: have still some things lying around here: a calendar widget (improved version of contributed template code and usable in pagelayout templates), gannt charts (now with constraints added) and a topology for project management, a few more template operators, bibliographic reference system and datatypes, ... but currently no time to properly document and clean them up for posting. I should do so, because this may attract some "peers": organisations that use ez publish for corporate applications and can allocate one or more developers in extending/customising it. For instance the project management stuff and other small groupware features we are developing can make ez publish a catch all solution for those who use different apps now.

Maybe the name "eZ publish" does not reflect the capabilities truly also, I know of at least one large consulting firm that evaluates ez publish as "just a publishing tool, not for serious collaboration or intranets" --- wrong of course.

Don't underestimate the time you would spend on a new community site, I have such a thing in mind for a long time (a portal for community development with demo space) to add to, but hesitate to do so (time time time).

Don't get me wrong, I symphatise your efforts and agree with your complaints, but i think anyone should think twice in allocating precious time on this... Once the ez publish community gets more critical mass (mainly in devoted documentation writing and die-hard developers) such an alternative community site may have its merits and a good chance for success.

I would love to see the site being slashdotted because of its sheer community size (which would force the ez crew in even more optimisations :-) ).

With kind regards


PS: I really like your tutorials!!
PS2: the invision board interface should be duplicated on, it is better and more "familiar"

eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Paul Forsyth

Thursday 08 July 2004 2:55:41 am

As Paul mentioned this month is the when eZ will be starting to take a better grip of the community side of, with a staff memeber devoted to it.

Well, thats the plan. Lets see what happens by the end of July...



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