Forums / General / About those disabled navigation links

About those disabled navigation links

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Russell Michell

Wednesday 17 March 2010 7:08:11 pm

Hi all,

I'm likely missing something here, but can anyone tell me why when you go to edit a page (ezwebin) the links in flat_top.tpl are disabled?

I mean, I know how it's done but wondered what the rationale was behind it.

Is it to do with unsaved changes? If so, couldn't a similar system be implemented like in the admin UI with a JS popup "Are you sure you want to discard the draft" - or better, automatically save the draft if the user does click the link?

I'm a developer of an eZ website and I still get confused as to why I can't navigate to another screen from the edit screen.

And while I'm on the subject, why can you only see the icon to view the list of drafts in edit mode? (Part of the reason I end up on an edit screen but want to navigate away instead of performing an edit)

FWIW, I knocked-up some v.basic javascript and added it to an override for flat_top.tpl replacing onclick="return false;" with onclick="submitForm()" a small function that 'clicks' the 'Store Draft' button for you (in case you forget).

Feedback welcome becuase I feel a little dumb that this was so easy to do, there must be a reason why it isn't present!?

Thanks everyone :-)

Russell Michell, Wellington, New Zealand.
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