Forums / General / Add to basket quantity field ?

Add to basket quantity field ?

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H-Works Agency

Monday 12 March 2007 5:38:15 am

Hi all,

How can we add a 'quantity' field in the addtobasket action ?

By default its always '1' that is added and its seems hard coded as the 'item_count' variable.

Its a strange behavior as every shop should feature the possibility to allow consumer to choose their own value in the product full view.

Thanx in advance for help.


EZP is Great

Bruce Morrison

Monday 12 March 2007 4:02:20 pm

Hi Martin

I've had a quick look over the code (3.8.6) and it would appear that there is no facility to allow for what you want. You'd have to create a custom module or patch the corew to achieve this.


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christian bencivenni

Saturday 17 November 2007 11:59:11 am

No one had found a way?

Lo' F.

Sunday 17 April 2011 9:01:35 am

This post is relatively old, anyway...

I wanted to integrate an input field too, allowing clients to define the quantity directly from the product page and.. here's the way:

the kernel/shop/basket.php has it already pre-defined...


if ( $http->hasPostVariable( "Quantity" ) )
        $quantity = (int)$http->postVariable( "Quantity" );
        if ( $quantity <= 0 )
            $quantity = 1;
        $quantity = 1;

...just need to add the input field inside the form


<input type="text" name="Quantity" size="2" value="1" />

Might save some time to some others.. that's it!