Monday 06 December 2010 12:14:23 pm
Agree with Sanjay: a properly tuned Apache/eZP configuration should be almost indistinguishable from a mod_pagespeed install. . eZJscore can be used for css/js minimization and collapsing. . a custom Imagemagick filter to strip images more aggressively. images's width and height are there because of the template for the ezimage datatype (even thought it would be nice to have it for design images too!) . collapsing whitespace is most likely useless if you pass the response through gzip afterwards. And you can do that already within Apache or within php . last but not least, in eZP you can implement page-level filters that are run on the generated html, once it is ready. You might add some html-optimizing code in there if you want (or a tidy filter) Now, if we could start sending to the browser part of the page content without waiting for it to be completely generated, that would be a great improvement!
Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board