Thursday 26 May 2011 3:24:24 pm
Don't forget to regenerate autoloads and make sure the rewrite rules are correct. BTW I would copy the entire var directory (remove the cache files first). Not that it matters but you have var/storage that could have package stuff. Maybe it's overkill but that's what I always do. Make sure you copy all the translation files... actually, check the backend and make sure that any files that are modifed go over to the new machine. There will be some changes to the settings files - notably, the image.ini.override.php - you'll have to redefine the path to convert. Any custom extensions might also have path settings problems. Make sure that you have the same pear libraries on both machines and the same php version, etc. Also, you want to make sure to preserve symbolic links if you can otherwise your var directory can quickly triple in size - I use rsync but I've never tested it on windows.
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