Forums / General / ClearRelationTypes ini setting

ClearRelationTypes ini setting

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Nathalie Grimaud

Friday 23 February 2007 8:36:56 am

I've made some tests with the different possible values for ClearRelationTypes in viewcache.ini and I don't understand the behavior of "embedded" and "linked".

I've got an article with three relation types:
- image1 is inserted into an xml block using the insert object button
- image2 is inserted into an xml block using the insert link button
- image3 is added in an attribute as an object relation

Now the results:
image1 cache is cleared

no image cache cleared

no image cache cleared

image3 is cleared

And the question is:
what is the "embedded" and "linked" values utility?

I hope that someone has the answer because it's a new setting (3.9) and the documentation doesn't talk about it.


Kirill Subbotin

Friday 06 April 2007 7:44:51 am

Is it 3.9? Are you sure that ObjectRelationTyped=enabled ?

btw, in your example there are no brackets [] near the array, haven't you missed them in ini?

Nathalie Grimaud

Monday 09 April 2007 11:28:52 pm

Hi Kirill,

Yes it's 3.9.0
I did not changed the default setting ObjectRelationTyped=enabled.

I forgot the brackets [] in my post but not in the ini file.