Tuesday 22 November 2005 12:48:28 am
Hi all, I'm having what appears to be a known issue regarding custom tags in the OE. Or, more accurately, I'm faced with a situation that many see as an "issue" and many see as logical design. Whatever it actually is, I haven't yet found a clear answer anywhere as to how to approach it. Regarding custom tags in the OE (whether default or added by me) there is a layer of granual control that seems to be missing. The problem is that no matter how detailed the template is, {$content} is deliverd wrapped in paragraph tags (as apparent standard behavior when dealing with XML blocks). There are, of course, many instances where a paragraph wrapper completely defeats the design, and I am after any way to control that.
If there was a way to strip the outtermost paragraph tags from {$content}, that would be perfect. Or, if it were possible to assign a class to that paragraph block, that would be brilliant as well. Is there anyway at all to do either of these things?
Help very much appreciated, and my great thanks in advance. Andy