Forums / General / does ezhttp() work in ez 3.4??
Cristina Galliano
Tuesday 27 July 2004 11:15:53 am
In the version 3.3.4 it works fine:
{literal} <script language=javascript> function go(var){ document.destinatari.PhraseSearchText.value=var; document.destinatari.submit(); } </script>{/literal}
<form name="dest" action={concat("/",$node.url_alias)|ezurl} method="post"> {let desti=fetch(content,class_attribute,hash(attribute_id,172)) desti_list=$desti.content.options} {section loop=$desti_list} <tr><td> <a href="javascript:go('{$|wash}');">{$|wash}</a> </td></tr> {/section} {/let} <input type="hidden" name="PhraseSearchText" value="" /> </form> <tr><td> Selection: {<b>ezhttp('PhraseSearchText',post)</b>}</td></tr>
In ez 3.4 it doesn't work no more. How can i get the same result now? help me thankscristina
Stefan Hortschitz
Saturday 16 October 2004 6:25:13 am
Maybe you have to set the option register_globals to "On" in your php.ini configuration file