Tuesday 20 March 2007 5:23:02 pm
Opinion, nothing more ... Go be vindictive to someone who has anything to do with your problems...elsewhere. This is hardly the forum to continue to harass a community and disrespect a product simply because a past developer you employed used it. You don't have the experience or background to cite anything more than your own jaded biased arrogant opinion. Which simply has no relation to this community any more than we are responsible for your car mechanic refusing to sell the rest of the after market additions and do the installation needed to get you back to your beach house two towns over because your credit card was refused. If you were a mechanic you might standardize on supporting a certain manufacturer of car, but how can you accept a customer who changes their mind on the value of the work or the time involved to complete the work during the middle of a project. These are common concerns but by no means a reflection on the product as a whole. I'm speaking lightly in freestyle and it sure seems like a more rational explanation of the little tirade you have made over the past few months than your own, <i>http://www.google.com/search?q=Kevin+Compton&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&sourceid=mozilla-search&num=50&as_qd=all&as_ft=i&as_qdr=all&as_occt=any&as_dt=i&as_sitesearch=ez.no</i> And if the topper was not enough, You boast opinion while your site is still hosted using eZ ... <i>//kracker KMK - Put It Down (Feat. Cypress Hill)</i>
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