Forums / General / Duplicated attributes after publication

Duplicated attributes after publication

Author Message

Jérôme Vieilledent

Moderated by: Jérôme Vieilledent

Wednesday 13 October 2010 3:13:28 am


I have a strange issue on one of my eZ Publish applications (v4.1.2) : sometimes, content object attributes are duplicated after publication.

It means that for example, I can have 3 title attributes on an article.

Anyone has ever had this issue ? I couldn't find anything on the issue tracker :-/

Maxime Thomas

Wednesday 13 October 2010 6:55:45 am

More info ? Logs / database ezcontentclass ?

Seems that ez gives you back more than 1 version for the same content, so attributes are multilpe.

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Jérôme Vieilledent

Wednesday 13 October 2010 7:02:25 am

Unfortunately I don't have more info about that... It just happens sometimes :(