Forums / General / Exporting RSS in EZ Publish
Anaya P
Monday 28 June 2010 1:43:17 am
Hi Guys,I am trying to export rss from News page.Exporting RSS in admin using setup->RSSBut content is not diaplayed on the page. Below is the source code on rss page -Today's Newshttp://domain name/Also have checked the rights for anonymous users. It is set to rss feed No limitationsReally do not have any idea about what I am missing here?HAve gone through forum and know that it was a bug in previous versions of ez publish. But I am using 4.2. Is still bug in this version??????RegardsAnaya
Monday 28 June 2010 1:47:50 am
sorry! below is the code on rss page -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="<A href="" mce_href=""></A>#"> <channel xmlns="<A href="" mce_href=""></A>" xmlns:rdf="<A href="" mce_href=""></A>#" rdf:about="<A href="http://domainname/" mce_href="http://domainname/">http://domainname/</A>"> <title>Today's News</title> <link>http://domainname/</link> <description></description> <items><rdf:Seq/></items> </channel> </rdf:RDF>
Jérôme Vieilledent
Monday 28 June 2010 4:45:47 am
Hi Anaya
Can you please explain a bit more please ? What do you do exactly to configure your RSS export ?
Doug Brethower
Monday 28 June 2010 6:08:45 am
1. Did you clear cache?
2. Does the RSS feed name in the rss export match the feed name on the site setup page?
my_feed is the default feed name.
Those are two common oversights.
Other than that, a youtube that steps through a successful RSS setup at
Doug Brethower Apple Certified Technical Consultant, Southwest, MO USA
Tuesday 29 June 2010 4:03:45 am
You are right Doug,
I did not clear the cache. Sorry
It is working fine now.
Thanks for your replies guys
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