Forums / General / ez 2.2.9

ez 2.2.9

Author Message

Bernd Buechler

Wednesday 24 March 2004 9:55:19 am

On the old page i finde a guestbook for the ez 2.2.9 and now i cannot found it!

can any one tell my where i can find or can you send my a link??

my 2. question is about the language!
i need 2 language on the webpage german and english!
what is the best way to yous this?
i use the ez 2.2.9!

can i make this so that in the search only the produkts find with the language with the user use?

The Destop-Edition is only for the 2.2. not for the 3. and therefor i use the 2.2.

the next question is about the shop! wie need the invoice this is in the ez shop 2.2.9 standard but i also need in Austria the modul order (Nachname)!
is there a modul for this?
can anyone tell me what i can do ??

there are many answers i hope anyone can help me!!
Thanks for all!