Forums / General / Hidden Page not displaying robots meta tags written in the page_head.tpl

Hidden Page not displaying robots meta tags written in the page_head.tpl

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Anaya P

Sunday 16 January 2011 12:22:44 pm

Hi there,

I have a problem regarding hidden page and robots meta tag written in the page_head.tpl. Really appreciate your advice guys.

I am not sure what happened in this case, as I dont deal with creating objects in admin and adding content, but somehow Kernel 1 - Access denied error page got indexed in Google seatch result.It is my client's website.

First of all my understanding was that hidden pages in EZ Publish do not get indexed in the google search result. Correct me if I am wrong? I am just trying to understand what could have happened in this case. Would it be possible that page was live when it indexed by google and then hidden by client?

As a solution to this problem, I am trying to add robots meta tag with 'nofollow, noindex' content in the custom design extension's page_head.tpl, which will appear only on this hidden page(using the node name property to identify the page) and resubmit the sitemap. But realised that on this hidden page any custom entries do not appear.

So can you please advise on how to add robots meta tag only on this hidden page? Or if you know any other solution, please let me know.



Gaetano Giunta

Monday 17 January 2011 7:52:22 am

It is possible that the page was indexed by google at a time it was made accessible/visible by the editor.

Otoh it is possible that due to bad cache management (caused by custom templates), a link to to an inaccessible/invisible page was shown. Google followed that link to an 'error, access denied' page and indexed that page. By default I think there is no meta tag that blocks indexation of those pages.

Imho the best way to prevent indexation of error pages could be too look up $ui_component variable in the pagelayout template; it seems to be set on "error" on all error pages.

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