Tuesday 11 December 2007 8:49:39 am
Hi - I've added a new attribute 'relation' to the user class, and updated the "object name pattern" to <first_name> <last_name>: <relation>. The relation attribute (customer, partner etc.) is determined at registration time based on the domain name in 'mailid'. By using the following code:
// store in attribute
$relation = $dataMap['relation'];
$relation->setAttribute( 'data_text', $usergroupName ); $relation->sync(); i get the 'relation' attribute updated allright. But like the original post, the full name does not show through, unless the user is "re-published". Adding the code:
// update object to update object content name
$class =& $object->contentClass();
$object->setName( $class->contentObjectName( $object ) );
$object->store(); unset( $class ); did not help. Any other way of updating the user name without running the CLI??