Forums / General / How to edit an existing order
Mario Caprino
Monday 26 June 2006 3:15:54 am
Is there any way to edit an existing order?
For example; I need to remove an Order item from a customer's order as the customer has by accident added it to his order and completed the order. As an Order item is heavily connected to the rest of the Order I can not edit the database directly, as I for exmaple would if he only wanted to edit his address.
Is there an administration interface to editing existing orders? How do other people handle such requests?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,Mario Caprino
Łukasz Serwatka
Monday 26 June 2006 11:24:10 pm
Hi Mario,
You can remove order. Click "Webshop" tab, then click order id. In next view you can remove it by clicking "Remove" button. Unfortunately you can't edit edit/update order/customer info with new information. You can write an extension which will update customer data. You can re-use code from kernel/shop/userregister.php.
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Lars Bratli
Sunday 09 July 2006 3:11:42 am
Hi everybody! (My first post :)
Removing an order does not work for me. When I click remove it posts back to the list of orders without removing it. Is there any other way to delete orders? Running on 3.8.0 btw.
Sunday 09 July 2006 11:29:14 pm
Hello Lars, and welcome to eZ publish Community.
In 3.8.x remove functionality was replaced with archive. However according to PHP code it should be possible to remove the order (backward compatibility). I think bug is in the template design/admin/templates/shop/orderview.tpl
Line 109:replace
<input type="hidden" name="DeleteIDArray[]" value="{$}" />
<input type="hidden" name="OrderIDArray[]" value="{$}" />
I will post bug report about this and commit the fix.
Monday 10 July 2006 12:53:57 am
Thank you so much Lukasz, that did the job :D
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