Forums / General / if-then-else with complex condition
Vjeran Vlahovic
Friday 10 September 2004 1:17:19 pm
Hi guys...Can someone help me to write this in eZ template way:
if($menu.is_selected && $menu.level == 0) echo('xyz');
I was hoping to find some useful examples in that book I purchased :-(
Paul Borgermans
Friday 10 September 2004 2:12:00 pm
{section show=and($menu.is_selected,$menu.level|eq(0))} xyz {/section}
eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training
Saturday 11 September 2004 5:39:49 am
Thanks Paul on quick answer...Sorry about that comment on book, didn't notice list of logical operators in Appendix A as I expected that in Chapter 3. Although, few more examples wouldn't hurt :-)
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