Forums / General / Image object template?
Edward Eliot
Tuesday 21 September 2004 1:38:38 am
Where is the template for the image object in the media section. Bascially I want to change it to output only the image tag - ie. remove all the surrounding DIVs etc?
Is there any way I can swtich on a debug node which will show me all the templates which get used on a page. It is really hard trying to trace what is used where.
Also, a point for the interface project. Browsing the templates in the admin section is really slow. 35 pages of templates to click through is a lot. Perhaps search funtionality could be introduced to this or more logical grouping. The most used templates section simply isn't enough at the moment.
Marco Zinn
Tuesday 21 September 2004 1:09:33 pm
first, i second your comment about the template list beeing pretty much useless, as it is not even sorted.
For your question: I think, should look for something like /content/view/full or /content/view/line.Switch to your admin siteaccess with that dropdown box. Then you should see an override for the "image" class. Edit it, this should be the template.
Wednesday 22 September 2004 2:01:05 am
Thanks, I will try that.
Frederik Holljen
Wednesday 22 September 2004 2:14:56 am
A more efficient way of browsing templates and overrides is due to be implemented in 3.6.
Monday 18 October 2004 2:11:43 am
I still cannot make this work. I have edited
and removed the DIVs, cleared the cache and they are not removed.
I have also copied this template to my user design directory under
and that doesn't work either.
Does anyone have any ideas for this?
Norman Leutner
Monday 18 October 2004 2:27:38 am
Edit your site.ini.php
[TemplateSettings] Debug=disabled
and enable template-debugging .
Take a look which template is used within your view.
Edit your override.ini.append ans create a new entry like this:
[image] Source=node/view/full.tpl MatchFile=image.tpl Subdir=templates Match[class]=5
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Best regards Norman Leutner ____________________________________________________________ eZ Publish Platinum Partner -
Monday 18 October 2004 4:37:45 am
OK, thanks for the reply. I have tried numerous things to get this working without success. It is far from intuative. For what I understand I need to override
but where should I place this in my templates folder or what override.ini entries should I add to make it work. I want to override the display of all embedded images.
Any ideas anyone?
Monday 18 October 2004 6:44:41 am
If you don`t want to create a ovverride for one design only, you can edit the standard design template (\ezpublish\design\standard\templates\content\datatype\view\ezimage.tpl)
Overrides are stored in setting/siteaccess/yoursitedesign/overrride.ini.append
The image has a class ID
If this class is matched within the full.tpl
the image.tpl from from design/yourdesign/override/templates
will be used for displaying your content.
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